Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Legion commander: Weapon

So for Wondercon this year, I wanted to cosplay some with a huge weapon (because the bigger the better haha). I chose Legion Commander from DOTA 2. Shes one of the characters I love to play (other than Axe... but I don;t think I'll ever be able to cosplay that) and has a really nice silhouette with her weapon and banners.
Heres what she looks like.

So I started with a weapon first. Here is the process and finished piece.

The original sketch (life size). I was going to add the blade at the end, but thought better of it when I realized that meant I wouldn't be able to put the weapon on the ground

The skeleton. Metal conduit and some wood. the wood will also make the smaller, crescent shaped blade near the handle.

My favorite part. Clamping the glue and foam together.

Cut the foam down to size

The basic shape of the blade.

The gold thing that are on the sides of the blade.

Cut everything in half so the wood could be placed in the middle.

More clamping (with wood)

I really liked the size and weight of it so far

Filling in the holes and cracks.

After "sharpening" it and making sure everything was smooth, I put a layer of resin on it. This foam is very impressionable so I think the resin will help with its strength.

Got some belts at the swap meet and wrapped the around the metal. I'm super happy with how this looks. It feels legit too.

The finished product!

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